Monday, November 20, 2006

Why KOPI-C? (Part I)

Coffee contains caffeine - Every Educator needs recharging

It is used to provide a "boost of energy" or a feeling of heightened alertness. It's often used to stay awake longer -- college students and drivers use it to stay awake late into the night. Which very much applies to me, while preparing for this session. As educators, I believe we a need caffeine shot every time we walked into class. I have taught 4 Normal Tech Class for the past 3 years and believe me; I need to drink many cups of coffee just to keep up with them. Teaching is already stressful, not to mention the many other roles we play in school. I think as teachers, we need to check our state in different milestone of our careers. The question we meed to ask ourselves is:

Are we still a fresh fish out of the water after a period of time? Is your eyes still shiny? Are you still excited about your student? Or are you a rotten fish? Stale and rotting.

This was one of the reason we started this KOPI-C, we want to help teachers to continue to be fresh for the job. This include sharing of resources, fresh perspective and ideas. How to do this? Watch out for Part II coming soon....

Posted by Daryl Koh (KOPI-C Coordinator)

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